It's Tuesday and I have had my Sleeptracker since last Friday. Thus far, it has worked (kind-of) one time and failed (kind-of) three times.
Through my initial four nights with Sleeptracker I have made the following observations:
- Other reviewers have mentioned that the alarm is relatively quiet, and while it is 'relatively' quiet, it still wakes my wife, AND I have not found any way to stop the alarm once it begins sounding. The alarm is a pseudo-quiet rapid beeping.
- There appears to be some latency for measuring 'almost awake' moments. On a few occasions I've woken up and looked at the time on Sleeptracker. When I review the logged times, however, they are generally a minute or so after that occurrence.
- A curious thing occurred this morning (Tuesday):
- Sleeptracker successfully woke me at 5:45 when I was 'almost awake.'
- I don't wear Sleeptracker during the day and took it off my arm at ~5:58, just prior to hopping into the shower.
- At 6:00, which was the set 'alarm time,' the alarm went off again. At this point I believe that if you take Sleeptracker off your arm between the time you wake up due to an 'almost awake' alarm and the set alarm time, Sleeptracker thinks you are asleep and sounds its alarm at the set time.
Friday Night
I took a nap that adversely affected results for that evening's sleep; I woke Saturday morning prior to my Sleeptracker 'window'.
Conclusion - FAILED, but I'm blaming it on my stupidity for taking a nap.
Saturday Night
I went to bed fairly late ~1:59 AM with the alarm set for 9:30 and a window of 20 minutes (20 min is the recommended window). There were loud people in the pool next to our apartment until 2ish, which kept me somewhat restless. Rather than waking up during my 9:10-9:30 window, I woke up at 9:30 after the alarm sounded (I did not have an 'almost awake' moment during the 20 minute window). For that night I credited the 'failure' to the loud people in the pool.
Next Saturday night I will be prepared: I will arm myself with earplugs. When my Sleeptracker goes off in the morning, I will instruct my wife to gently wake me (i.e. hit me).
To Bed - 1:59
Window - 20 minutes
Alarm (set) - 9:30
Alarm (actual) - 9:30
Number of cycles - 12
Average length - 30:07
Conclusion - FAILED, but we'll blame it on the loud people rather than the watch this time.
Sunday Night
I had high expectations going into Sunday night. Friday and Saturday were anomalies; surely no one would be making a lot of noise on a Sunday night!
I've been foiled again. My wife, who is in law school, had a few things due in the morning and was up until 2:45.
To Bed - 0:00
Window - 20 minutes
Alarm (set) - 6:30
Alarm (actual) - 6:30
Number of cycles - 13
Average length - 28:26
Conclusion - FAILED, and no one gets blamed this time; not my wife and not the watch.
Monday Night
Now that I've gone through 3 anomalies, you'd think that I would be able to get eliminate them one way or another and get the Sleeptracker and I to mesh.
Success! My wife did not stay up late, the neighbors and pool-goers were quiet, and all is well. The number of cycles was cut in half from the previous two nights, and the average cycle time was doubled!
To Bed - 0:00
Window - 30 minutes
Alarm (set) - 6:00
Alarm (actual) - 5:45
Number of cycles - 6
Average length - 57:27
Conclusion - SUCCESS
Initial Successful Wakeup Impression
After experiencing my first 'successful' Sleeptracker sleep, I was surprisingly awake for 5:45 in the morning, and it was much easier to roll out of bed (although I did sit there for 10 minutes prior to getting ready for the day - 5:45 is early!). Part of the ease of this morning's wakeup may still be the novelty of Sleeptracker, so I guess we'll have to wait and see!
I guess that does it for now. I plan to begin optimizing my sleeping strategy as my 30 day evaluation continues, but I will try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule in an effort to keep my evaluation as scientific as possible given only one test subject.
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